This website exists to provide information about my law practice and to identify some legal issues that may be of interest. Nothing on this website is intended as legal advice. No one should rely upon the content on this website alone, as it cannot substitute for consultation with an attorney about your situation.
The law changes and evolves continuously. Some of the older information in particular, while I hope it remains useful, is not absolutely current. I have tried to provide accurate information, but I do not assume any liability for the accuracy of the information on this website. My including a link to another site does not imply my endorsement of that site or its sponsoring organization.
I am retired and cannot represent you.
I have been licensed in North Carolina only.
Methodologies and selection processes for the awards listed on this website are available at the website for the awarding organization and may be accessed by clicking on the link mentioning the award.
Copyright James A. Wilson, 2019-24. All rights reserved.